The 10 most stunning highways of the world
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Travelling relieves the soul! There is nothing more exciting and soothing than to leave for the weekend and take a good time with friends. The company of relatives makes travelling more exhilarating. So are you ready to take a ride and see the breathtaking landscapes on both sides on a long endless road? The journey is sometimes so beautiful that the destination is of little importance. Just load up a suitcase or a backpack, mount to edge of your car and head for the road!

Many roads in the world have a unique charm and have attracted thousands of enthusiastic travellers for centuries! The fascinating beauty and adventure they suggest are really something that every tourist must cherish! Here are 10 the most amazing highways of the world, unavoidable if you love travelling!!!!

10. The Atlantic Route- Norway

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The Atlantic route, built along a archipelago and linking a small village next to it, is surely breathtaking. This small section of the road from County 64 in Norway which has a modern architecture may surprise by its beauty! The road, with amazing landscapes around, provides an excellent site for all travel lovers from the world over and has also been widely used for filming advertisements and movies. While driving on this road, you can also have a glimpse it's aquatic splendor, which is home to whales and seals.

9. Hana Highway - Maui

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The Hana Highway to Maui, Hawaii is yet another breathtaking road for all drivers and travelers around the world. This long road stretches more than 84 kilometers and takes you to a luxuriant tropical forest, whose beauty will linger long after you have left. Although this beautiful highway is one of the most amazing roads of the world, it is also difficult to cross because the paths are narrow and delicate. In fact, the long stretch includes over 600 curves, 59 bridges (some of which are a single track) with bridges over 100 years old.

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